Tag Archives: happiness

The Habits of Supremely Happy People

The Habits of Supremely Happy People


Ever wonder what makes Happy people smiling all the time? This article will give you an insight on how certain habits can lighten your mood. For me, just reading this article made me happy. This article made me realize that all it takes to be happy is following your passion, never giving up, enjoying simple pleasures and being with the people that make you smile.  Feel free to share what makes you happy and leave a comment! Enjoy!

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Quote of the day

Quote of the day

Keep this in mind in whatever you do. I applied this quote today during one of my favorite past times. Eating. (I had a meatball pizza from CO. Best pizza in NYC). It’s not about how much you can eat and how full you will be at the end of your meal. It’s about the experience you get from tasting your food. The combination of the fresh ingredients, the texture, the flavor. Believe me, keep this in mind the next time you grab a bite to eat. It’ll be the best ________ you’ve ever had!

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Find Bliss, Stay Awhile


Yoga is a journey.  It can be a journey of finding inner peace or a journey towards an intention.  With that being said, there is no final destination or  end to the journey.  However, throughout your practice, between asanas or even in the middle of one, you may become aware of a rush of happiness- whether it’s joy, exhilaration, or just contentment.  In that moment, no matter how brief, concentrate on that positive emotion you’re feeling and become present in that moment.

Yoga is a journey, there is no end, the time is now, and if you find bliss, then stay awhile.

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