Homemade Pizza


Theres something about cooking that helps me forget about everything else. I guess you can say it’s therapeutic. I love baking pizza because you can get creative with it. Not to mention, you can pretty much put anything you want on top and it’ll probably taste great. My boyfriend and I enjoyed our pizza so much that we decided to bake another one the next day. We are definitely addicted to them.  I recommend using store bought pizza dough because it saves a lot of time and they’re usually very affordable. I was able to get two balls of dough, enough to make two medium sized pizza, for only $3 at Safeway.  A friend of mine also told me that Trader Joe’s sells amazing pizza dough as well.

We decided to create a  simple pizza with some fresh ingredients, but feel free to top your pizza with whatever your heart desires!



-Store bought Pizza dough

– Olive Oil

– Pesto

-1 Garlic Clove (chopped)

– Prosciutto

–  1/4 Red Onions (thinly sliced)


– Mozzarella slices

– Yellow Tomato

– Basil Leaves


1. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.

2.  Lightly coat the Pizza Pan with olive oil, and spread the dough evenly until you get your desired thickness.

3. Place the dough and pan into the oven for 4 – 5 minutes to precook the dough.

4. Take your dough out of the oven and top your pizza starting with the sauce (in our case, pesto), garlic, mushroom, onion, tomato, mozzarella, and prosciutto.

5. Place the pizza back into the oven for another 10 – 12 minutes until your crust is slightly golden.


6. Take your Pizza out of the oven and place the basil on top and bake the pizza for another 1.5  minutes.



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