Monthly Archives: July 2013

Name That Yoga Pose

Yoga Poses

Ever feel lost during a yoga class because you don’t know the name of a pose? When I first started yoga, I remember being completely confused when the instructor told us to position our bodies into random animals and objects. What in the world is a “happy baby”?! And the “rabbit pose” looks nothing like a rabbit… Well, here is a helpful link I found that shows you the most common yoga poses. I hope this helps!

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Documentary: Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead


This documentary follows Joe Cross, a 310 pound man with multiple health issues, as he travels around America promoting the juice cleanse diet. Along the way, he inspires other people to try it out and their transformation is unbelievable. I’m not going to say anything more because I don’t want to ruin it for you guys, but this is a must-see documentary.

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Acai Bowls in the City


I’m in New York City for an internship this summer and there is so much amazing food from all over the world here.  The only thing I couldn’t find was a place that sells acai bowls like the ones I get from Hawaii. So I just decided to make my own and it turned out great. All you need are the right ingredients and a blender, not so intimidating right?

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Yoga Mix 1


Yoga Mix 1

Music has the ability to inspire, motivate, and change moods. We decided to create a playlist that would inspire movement. No matter where you are, in your room, at the park, or even in your little cubicle at work, we hope this playlist will make you want to get up and move!


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Find Bliss, Stay Awhile


Yoga is a journey.  It can be a journey of finding inner peace or a journey towards an intention.  With that being said, there is no final destination or  end to the journey.  However, throughout your practice, between asanas or even in the middle of one, you may become aware of a rush of happiness- whether it’s joy, exhilaration, or just contentment.  In that moment, no matter how brief, concentrate on that positive emotion you’re feeling and become present in that moment.

Yoga is a journey, there is no end, the time is now, and if you find bliss, then stay awhile.

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