Quote of the Day

Quote of the Day

Memories are what makes us who we are, however if you dwell on the past, the time you have at the moment will slip away. With that being said, if you look too far out into the future, you miss what’s happening around at the present moment. It’s easy to think about all the things you want to do “later on in life”. I think about it all the time, but what I began to realize recently is that my “dreams” aren’t going to just come to me. You have to take on the present moment and do something with it. If you’ve been wishing to go on an Europe trip someday, why not this summer? Why not start saving now? If you want to lose 5 pounds, why not start going to the gym today? This realization is part of the reason why we started this blog. If we want to create a yoga brand someday, why not start by sharing our passion with the world.

Anyway, keep this in mind and really take it in. Spend time with the people you love and make you a better person. Take a deep breathe and enjoy the place you are at right now. If you are not at a place you want to be, realize that things will  change and pay attention to the positive. If you keep your mind on the present, everything in the future will fall into place.


Lana Hawaii

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